Playful, Affectionate & Handsome!
3 years
Microchip number:
Source number: RE146245
All our greyhounds are health checked, desexed, vaccinated, micro-chipped, worm and flea treated.
Further details in Adoption FAQ
Adoption fee: $
Available for Adoption
Please only apply for this greyhound if you have:
- time to take Bekere for a daily walk
- lots of cuddles to share with this gorgeous boy
- home at least half the time
What can we say about this stunning handsome boy?
Bekere just wants to be your BEST FRIEND and snooze, and roach close by, wherever you are hanging out.
He is a leaner and just loves getting a big bear-hug cuddle and will lean right into you. He loves cuddles, but is not needy and enjoys as many headrubs as you wish to indulge him.
His forever home will need to supply him with a decent stash of toys, as his favourite thing is to happily amuse himself by carrying his toys all over the house. He loves to greet you in the morning or when you come home and then race off and return with a big toy in his mouth! And he looks SO ADORABLY CUTE!
The trick is to put them in all in the toy box once a day and then he will slowly pick them up and carry them elsewhere, although by the end of the day, most of them end up back beside the toy box. Hmm, if only we could teach Bekere to restack it?
Bekere LUVS his daily walks and dances around like a silly billy when the leash comes out. He is a joy to walk, as although he will stop for a few sniffs – he is not into marking every tree and gatepost. Normally, he just has one pee-stop per walk! If only we could patent this feature in all our boy dogs?!
He’s a good boy at ignoring nasty dogs behind fences, but if it’s a friendly dog he will give a nice tail wag and a gentle sniff through the fence. He’s a well-behaved dog out walking and has good manners walking past other dogs on the street. He’s happy to hang around the coffee shop while you savour your morning brew. He has really blossomed in foster getting used to all the activity of Melbourne and copes okay with trams going past, but he is still sensitive to some noises like motor-bikes and motor mowers, but that will never stop him from walking – he just needs your reassurance that everything will be fine.
Naturally Bekere is toilet trained, and he sleeps through the night. He will stand at the door to let you know that he needs to go outside and if you are snoozing in bed for too long in the morning, he will even give a bark to insist you get up and let him out. He easily jumps into the car and then lays down and travels like a champion.
He is smart and he wants to please you, so he has quickly learned a few commands, including “leave” so that he doesn’t steal the other dog’s food. He lives with two other greyhounds and gets on fine with them, but he is far more interested in human companionship than dogs, so we think he would be fine as a solo dog.
Whoever gives Bekere his forever home is going to be very lucky!